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Email Delivery

StartStack uses Resend for email delivery by default. You will need to have a Resend API key in order for auth via magic links to work. StartStack also uses Resend for collecting your newsletter audience. Let's get started!

Setting up Resend

  1. Sign up for Resend.
  2. Make sure you have properly setup your domain and verified it.
  3. Create a API key in your Resend dashboard.
  4. Update the RESEND_API_KEY in your .env file.

Note: Make sure you properly verify your domain to ensure your emails don't end up in the spam folder!

Setup Newsletter Audience

  1. Login to Resend and navigate to your account.
  2. Click on Audiences and create a new audience.
  3. Copy the audience id and update the RESEND_NEWSLETTER_AUDIENCE_ID in your .env file.

All newsletter signups will now be added to this audience.